Netflow-WBCF partnership helping migrants in Melbourne’s west

NewsNetflow-WBCF partnership helping migrants in Melbourne’s west

02 Apr 2019

MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA – The Western Bulldogs Community Foundation and Netflow have announced a 23-year commitment to supporting newly-arrived migrants and refugees in Melbourne’s western suburbs.

Delivered in partnership with local councils, community centres and mainstream service providers WBCF’s Ready SETTLE Go employment tours allow newly arrived migrants to gain an inside look into the various roles and opportunities within the Western Bulldogs Football Club and the western suburbs more broadly.

Netflow is contracted by the Victorian Government to deliver the $1.8 billion Western Roads Upgrade public-private partnership that includes priority road upgrades and more than 260 kilometres of road rehabilitation and maintenance across Melbourne’s west for 23 years.

The long-term partnership will deliver settlement and employability services to an additional 130 new migrants and refugees each year across western Melbourne, including the entire Western Roads Upgrade project area.

Netflow Western Roads Upgrade CEO Jose Espinosa and board members joined Western Bulldogs Community Foundation Chair Gaye Hamilton and General Manager Kashif Bouns to announce the partnership at one of the Ready SETTLE Go employment tours at the Western Bulldogs Football Club in Footscray.

“The western suburbs continue to be one of the most popular places for new Australians to call home, and the demand for our programs is ever-growing,” Mr Bouns said.

“This partnership with Netflow means we now have the ability to assist more newly-arrived refugees and migrants each year for 23 years.

“We thank Netflow for enabling us to build on our work to promote personal wellbeing and social connectedness among all of the diverse cultures in Melbourne’s west.”

Mr Espinosa said Netflow was proud to be supporting the great work of the foundation.

“The partnership provides multiple benefits and opportunities to the foundation and the program participants,” Mr Espinosa said.

“It provides participants with potential employment opportunities, as well as the ability for Netflow staff to join the foundation’s Adaptors volunteer program to assist in running its community-based events.

“We look forward to supporting this excellent program and seeing what success our two organisations can achieve.”

The news follows two other 23-year partnerships established by Netflow, partnering with Western Health to improve public health outcomes, and partnering with Western Chances to help it continue to provide merit-based scholarships, programs and support to talented young people.

Plenary is financial arranger, joint project sponsor and joint SPV manager for the project, part of the Netflow consortium – also comprising Cintra as joint project sponsor and SPV manager, WBHO Infrastructure as design and construction lead, and the Amey and Broadspectrum joint venture as services contractor – contracted by the Victorian Government to design, build, finance, and maintain the project for 23 years.

About the Western Bulldogs Community Foundation
The Western Bulldogs Community Foundation is the community services arm of the Western Bulldogs Football Club that seeks to fulfil the club mission by providing people living in Melbourne’s west and greater western Victoria with the tools to succeed. It works in partnership with government, corporate and community agencies to deliver services and programs that improve social capital and the quality of life, advocating for community leadership, and inclusiveness regardless of race, faith, gender or disability 

Chris Whitefield

Executive Director, Communications and Community

Contact via email

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