Netflow-Western Chances partnership supporting talented young people

NewsNetflow-Western Chances partnership supporting talented young people
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Asia PacificCorporateTransport

16 Apr 2019

MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA – Western Chances and Netflow have announced a 23-year partnership to assist talented and motivated young people in Melbourne’s western suburbs to fulfil their potential.

Western Chances provides merit-based scholarships, opportunity programs and ongoing support to talented and motivated young people in Melbourne’s west whose financial, social or cultural circumstances prevent them from completing their education.

Netflow is contracted by the Victorian Government to deliver the $1.8 billion Western Roads Upgrade public-private partnership that includes priority road upgrades and more than 260 kilometres of road rehabilitation and maintenance across Melbourne’s west for 23 years.

The partnership provides much-needed support to the operations of Western Chances to ensure it continues its impactful work across Melbourne’s western suburbs, including the entire Western Roads Upgrade project area.

Netflow Western Roads Upgrade CEO Jose Espinosa joined Western Chances CEO Rhyll Dorrington and staff at Western Chances in Footscray to announce the partnership and to meet current and former scholarship recipients.

“We feel so proud that in partnership, Western Chances and Netflow will achieve outstanding results to help young people to remain in education and fulfil their education and career goals,” Ms Dorrington said.

“Long-term funding is vital to building the sustainability of not-for-profit organisations and we commend Netflow for its vision and commitment to support our young people’s future, allowing us and our recipients to go from strength-to-strength.

“We cannot thank Netflow enough for its commitment to corporate social responsibility, supporting Western Chances, and other important organisations in Melbourne’s west, to significantly and positively impact one of the fastest-growing regions in Australia.”

Mr Espinosa said Netflow has taken a different approach in establishing the Western Chances partnership.

“We appreciate that the underpinning administrative infrastructure of an organisation like Western Chances is the critical ingredient that ensures the smooth operation of its invaluable community work,” Mr Espinosa said.

“For this reason, our monetary support is untied and can be used for the ongoing administrative functions of the organisation; an infrastructure business supporting the internal infrastructure needs of Western Chances.”

It follows two other 23-year community partnerships Netflow has entered into for the benefit of Melbourne’s western suburbs, partnering with the Western Bulldogs Community Foundation to support newly-arrived migrants and refugees, and partnering with Western Health to improve public health outcomes.

Plenary is financial arranger, joint project sponsor and joint SPV manager for the project, part of the Netflow consortium – also comprising Cintra as joint project sponsor and SPV manager, WBHO Infrastructure as design and construction lead, and the Amey and Broadspectrum joint venture as services contractor – contracted by the Victorian Government to design, build, finance, and maintain the project for 23 years.

About Western Chances
Western Chances is a Melbourne-based not-for-profit organisation which provides a holistic model of support to ensure talented and motivated young people in Melbourne’s west facing financial barriers can complete their education and fulfil their potential. Western Chances programs aim to support young people to achieve their education, career and personal goals for as long as they are in need and remain eligible to receive support

Chris Whitefield

Executive Director, Communications and Community

Contact via email

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