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Asia Pacific

Matt Crocker

Head of Market Development and Corporate Affairs

Matt Crocker is a strategic advisor with extensive experience in infrastructure, public policy and corporate strategy. As Head of Market Development and Corporate Affairs at Plenary, he is responsible for Plenary’s advocacy for private capital solutions, and for leading Plenary’s corporate affairs function, which includes communications, government and stakeholder relations, and brand and reputation activities.

Prior to joining Plenary, Matt served as Policy Director for three NSW Premiers—Gladys Berejiklian, Mike Baird, and Barry O’Farrell—between 2009 and 2019, shaping major infrastructure, economic and social policy. He has been a strategic advisor to the University of Technology Sydney, the Susan McKinnon Foundation, Westpac and the Australian Energy Market Commission, and was also the Chief Operating Officer at health insurer Manchester Unity.

In addition, Matt is Deputy Chair of the Sydney Institute of Marine Science, Deputy Chair of the Biennale of Sydney, Deputy Chair of United Way Australia and a Board Member at the Committee for Sydney.

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Asia Pacific