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Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission Fiber Infrastructure O&M and Commercialization Services

ProjectPennsylvania Turnpike Commission Fiber Infrastructure O&M and Commercialization Services
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Plenary Broadband Infrastructure (PBI Fiber) will assume operations and maintenance responsibility of a ~220 mile fiber optic network along the Pennsylvania Turnpike east of Harrisburg, including the Northeast Extension (I-476), which will be built by others under a separate contract.

The network will provide connectivity for the Commission’s administrative buildings/offices, maintenance buildings, tolling systems, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), and other sites and applications.

Project facts


Pennsylvania, USA


Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission


Plenary Broadband Infrastructure (PBI Fiber)

Plenary Americas' role

Majority equity investor

Lead developer

Commercialization Operations

PBI Fiber

O&M Provider

Tilson Technology Management, Inc.

Other Equity Member

TKO / Star

Commercial close date

January 25, 2021

Contract terms

25 years + extension option

PBI will also be responsible for commercializing additional fiber capacity along the route and developing network infrastructure that will provide increased connectivity for the region and generate revenues for the project.

For more information, please visit the project website here.


The PTC Fiber Infrastructure OMC project is the first P3 revenue-risk broadband project to reach close in North America. The project includes a commercial net revenue share to PTC, subject to a minimum revenue guarantee that was bid by PBI as part of the RFP submission. This innovative structure aligns the interests of PTC and PBI, which will support revenue generation by the commercial network.

Local economic impacts

PBI’s commercial network will provide increased connectivity across Pennsylvania, establishing an open access network with significant capacity and reach. PBI will also develop wireless network infrastructure that will facilitate emerging technologies and deliver economic benefits to the region. Existing and new businesses in proximity to the Turnpike will have new options for network capacity to serve their rapidly evolving data and telecommunication needs.

PBI will also provide opportunities for local resources in order to support the delivery of its O&M and commercialization services, as well as to deploy new infrastructure and continuously expand the network services.

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